A excellent Lot for sale in the heart of Quizarra
- Property type: Lot / Land
- Offer type: Sold!
- City: Quizarra
- Lot size: 2.4 hectares / 5.9 acres / 258,334 ft²
- Easy access
- On Public Road
- Ready to Build
- Schools nearby
- Title Deed ready to transfer
2.4 Hectares in Quizarra 🌳🏞️
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity!
2.4 hectares of pristine land in Quizarra, situated along a paved public road.
With a serene creek running along the entire lateral line, this property offers endless possibilities for your dream project.
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/7fTuXosBfv3XSg1Z6
- ID: 3735
- Views: 1914